Elf on the Shelf 2023


Creative Elf on the Shelf Ideas for 2023

Many parents find themselves scrambling to think of ideas for the well loved elf on the shelf. If you are like me, you are often remembering right before your own bedtime, or at the same time your children are waking up in the morning. I have had countless other parents telling me how happy they are that they never started this tradition. As much as I understand that statement, I am still glad our family started the tradition.

I love the sense of magic and wonder it creates for the kids. However, coming up with new and exciting ways to position your elf each night can be a bit challenging. That's where planning ahead comes into play! Creative Elf on the Shelf ideas help parents keep the enchantment alive, sparking their children's imaginations and making the holiday season even more memorable.

24 Day Elf Activity Kit

Our instant digital PDF kit has all the ideas you will need for the whole month. Plan ahead and get all the pages cut and ready to go before December 1. The kit includes games, colouring pages, a scavenger hunt, a kissing booth to make and so much more.

Elf on the Shelf 2023, Digital Download Elf Kit
Sale Price: $4.00 Original Price: $6.00

Free Elf on the Shelf Activity Printable

Sign up using the link below to receive a Christmas Word Search that coordinates with our Elf kit. We send monthly free printable. Sign up for the word search and you will automatically be set up for any feature freebies.

Elf on Strike Idea for Bad Behaviour

The Elf on the Shelf tradition can serve as a fantastic tool for encouraging good behaviour in kids during the hectic holiday season but we all know things can also getting pretty rough around the house the days leading up to Christmas. Our Elf kit comes with a few bonus days for these challenging times. Below is one of those.

So, whether you're looking to create cherished family memories, encourage good conduct, or just have a blast with your kids, our creative Elf kit is a fantastic way to make the holiday season even more special.


Amazing Gift Idea for Tween Girls


Freebie ✦ Flamingo Print